We Celebrate World Environment Day!

The World Environment Day was first established in 1972 by the United Nations General Assembly under the guidance of the United Nations Environment Programme. Over the past five decades, this celebration has evolved to become one of the foremost global platforms in support of environmental causes. Tens of millions of people participate, both virtually and in person, in a wide range of activities, events, and initiatives worldwide.

The focus of World Environment Day for this 2024 is on land restoration, desertification prevention, and strengthening resilience to drought, all under the theme “Our lands. Our future.”

Our Commitment

At Alnut, we take pride in reaffirming our commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. This year, we achieved a significant milestone by obtaining B Corp certification, highlighting our dedication to social and environmental responsibility as well as business transparency.

In our ongoing quest for a greener and fairer future, we have implemented several initiatives over the past few years. Sixty per cent of our packaging is recyclable, and we have optimised our production processes to reduce energy consumption and the use of chemicals. Our refrigerated ventilation systems regulate plant temperature, enhancing the well-being of our workers. Additionally, we have installed 114 kW solar panels and provide parking spaces with electric chargers at our facilities.

We are dedicated to equity and inclusion. By the end of 2023, 46 per cent of our team consisted of women, bringing us closer to full gender parity, with a workforce representing eight different nationalities. We have an equality and harassment prevention plan approved by public bodies and offer continuous training programmes for all employees, alongside supporting initiatives that promote work-life balance. We also contribute to disadvantaged social groups through product donations.

Certifications like Sedex Smeta and B Corp validate our ongoing commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.

A better future

On this World Environment Day, we renew our promise to keep working towards a better future for all, and we extend our gratitude to our suppliers, customers, and employees for their continuous support and for being an essential part of this commitment.

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