Modelo de innovación de Alnut, empresa de alimentación infantil

For our Innovation Ecosystem

Our innovation model is an open model focused on the most practical and efficient solutions in the market. We work in a multidisciplinary hand in hand fashion with our clients and with top-level organizations and institutions to continuously improve our processes and recipes – thus providing quick responses in an increasingly competitive and demanding market.

Our external ecosystem includes our agreements with AINIA, INNOVA y ACCIÓN, and the Nutrition Department of the University of Valencia. We participate in ecosystem forums (KM0). During 2024, we will obtain our certification in R&D Management (UNE 166002). In addition, Alnut develops the permanent annual Trends Analysis panel that identifies possible lines of research that are later developed thanks to our agreements for obtaining doctorates and degrees from the University of Valencia.

Innovation not only involves doing things in a new way but doing them better. That is why, at Alnut, we have a team of chefs who prepare the recipes with the best possible taste before validating them with an external taste panel. At Alnut, we believe that healthy and natural food does not have to be at odds with food that tastes good.

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